Sunday, August 5, 2012

Orphans, Fellowship, and God's Love

These past 5 weeks in Thailand have been truly wonderful. I have grown so much in my faith and as a person, and it’s awesome.  I can honestly say that no other experience in my life has impacted me this much! Words cannot express how sad I am that I have only one more week here, but I am very excited to come home so I can pour out all the knowledge and wisdom I have attained. There is so much I want to share that I probably will explode with excitement as I am telling it all. My advice: be prepared to have your mind blown! Ha.

Well, a lot has gone on since my last blog. So much that it would take me weeks just to write it all down. Therefore, I am just going to tell you all about these past few days. On Thursday night, Brandon Hathcock and all of the interns, with the exception of Shelby and I, traveled to the Burma border to visit a Karen orphanage for the weekend. Shelby and I decided to stay behind because we were going to visit an orphanage here in Bangkok. On Thursday night, Crystal Hathcock and I went to do bar outreach while Shelby babysat little Tobin. Unfortunately, the bars were closed that night due to it being a Buddhist holiday so Crystal and I got some dinner and then headed back to her apartment. This coming up Thursday I will be going back to the bars so please be praying for that! Shelby and I stayed the night at Crystal’s and it was so much fun. We talked for hours about everything on our minds and it honestly made me so much more grateful for our wonderful missionaries here in BKK. Their hearts for the Lord and His people are amazing! 

On Friday morning, Shelby and I went with Jennifer McCaman to visit the orphanage here in BKK. After an hour of searching for the orphanage, we finally found it in a secluded area of the city. Before I start talking about my experience, I am going to give you a little background on the orphanage. It only houses up to 12 kids at a time and their ages range from 3 months to 17 months. The majority of the time the mothers drop off the babies/children because they either do not want them or cannot take care of them. The mothers can visit their children every 3 months and still have the right to take them back unless the child has been at the orphanage for a year. After a year, the orphanage has full custody of the child and starts the adoption process in which every child is normally adopted before the age of two. When we got to the orphanage, there were only two workers and one volunteer for eight little children. Immediately we found ourselves head over heels in love with their sweet faces and loving personalities. They ran to our arms when they saw us and did not leave our sides until it was time for a nap. I fell in love with a little boy named Nawin and he definitely was the stinker of the bunch. He was so playful and energetic and always getting into something he shouldn’t be in. He hungered for my affection and while I was elated to give it, it also broke my heart because I knew the reasoning behind his hunger. He, like the other nine children in the orphanage, has never felt the love of a mother or father and so when a stranger comes and shows them some sort of affection, they instantly cling to that person to fulfill their desire for a parent’s love. It’s truly heartbreaking and I found myself praying several times to God for these beautiful, sweet children. We stayed at the orphanage for about two hours and then headed back home. Friday night we had Unite BKK at the church and it was so much fun! We played “Can You Make It?” and it was so funny watching everyone try and made an object out of random items. It was also great being able to hang out with all my wonderful Thai friends. Shelby and I ended up spending Friday night at Crystal’s again, where we talked for hours and learned so much from her about life and faith. She is seriously one awesome woman!

On Saturday morning, Shelby and I went to the orphanage again with Julia and Ricki. We were only able to stay for about an hour this time, but it was an amazing hour. There were ten children that day, four of them being infants, so we had our hands full. We all had so much fun just holding the children in our arms and playing with them. While I was holding my little guy, Nawin, he said something to me that I will never forget. He called me mama. I wanted to cry right then and there, but I held my composure and just prayed to God that he will one day have someone to call mama. After helping put all the children to sleep, we left the orphanage and Shelby and I promised each other that we would be back again next Saturday. So please be praying for our next visit and for these amazing children! Also, be praying for the orphanage and that God will be a presence there! After the orphanage, Shelby, Julia, and I went to JJ Market, a very famous and huge market in BKK. OMG that place is ginormous! Shelby and I were so overwhelmed by the amount of shops and people. We seriously got lost in that place for hours and did not even hit a third of the market. Later that night, Shelby and I had dinner with Crystal and Tobin and then we went back to our hotel for the night. I ended up cleaning my filthy room and then Shelby dyed my hair a ruby red color! It looks awesome and I absolutely love it! Saturday night was the first night in 5 weeks that I had a bed to myself and it was wonderful! Haha.

Sunday morning we had church and it was amazing. Our whole worship team consisted of Thai people and I was able to envision how LifePointBKK would look in a few years and it was awesome! I am so pumped for what God has planned for this church!! After church, everyone hung out for a while and then Shelby, Tiffany and Leah VanDyke, and I all went to Khao San Road to have some fun girl time. We took a river taxi to Khao San and it was great because we were able to witness more of Thailand’s beauty. We did some shopping at Khao San and then Shelby and I got manicures and pedicures while Tiffany and Leah got foot massages. It was great being able to have some “pamper yourself” time after constantly being on the go for 5 weeks. I loved being able to hang out with Tiffany and Leah because they are such awesome ladies and such an inspiration when it comes to missionary families. After Khao San, Shelby and I just hung out around BKK and then returned to good ole Boss Mansion. I spent the rest of my night doing laundry—fun, I know. Ha! 

Well, now it is Monday afternoon and Shelby and I are just relaxing. Everyone gets back from the Burma border in a few hours, so we are anxiously awaiting their arrival. I cannot wait to hear all that God did up there and tell them all He did here! Tonight we are going to the Baiyoke, Thailand’s tallest building, to have dinner. They have an international buffet that is supposed to be extremely good so I cannot wait to chow down! Haha.

Sorry this post is so long—there was just so much going on! These past few days have been truly amazing and God-filled. While I know I would have loved to go to the Karen orphanage, I am so happy with my decision to stay in BKK because I learned and experienced so much in these past few days. Hanging out with all the godly woman on our LifePointBKK team was such a great learning experience. It really taught me how important fellowship with believers, especially believers of the same gender, is. These ladies are so inspirational and I love each one of them so much!! They are definitely women after the Lord’s heart and as a young woman, I look up to them so much! Also, going to the BKK orphanage was so amazing and I am so excited to see all my sweet babies next Saturday! It has definitely been a great weekend in BKK, one full of God's everlasting love. Well, we have one more week here so please be praying for us and everything that God has done and is doing! Hopefully I will post one more blog before I leave so stay tuned! Praying for everyone at home! Love you all very much!!

God bless,


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